
In August 2022, seven Hip Hop artists traveled to Barbados as part of the Next Level program. Aysha Upchurch (Dance), UnLearn the World (MC), Purple Haze (MC), GYREFUNK (Beatmaker), eCussionist (DJ), and J Muzacz (Aerosol Art) joined site manager Queen Herawin to perform for audiences and collaborate with local artists to promote cross-cultural creative exchange and conflict transformation.

The two-week Next Level Barbados Academy was held in partnership with the National Cultural Foundation (NCF) at their facilities. On conflict transformation day, artist educators and program participants conducted brought their personal experiences and situations as it related to real life circumstances and supportive ways to potentially approach these realities in relation to Hip Hop disciplines.

On entrepreneurship day, Team Barbados was joined by Dr. Erica Smith, CEO of COSCAP Barbados. Dr. Smith facilitated a powerful presentation and discussion in relation to artist rights and legalities surrounding contracts. Following her presentation, the artists discussed topics such as fine art/public art, branding, merchandising, consulting, press, online presence, goal setting, accountability, recording, and composition.

The jam session was a powerful collaborative cultural event between program participants and the Next Level Team. Student collaborators stayed after the workshop day to share in experience and illustrate to the teaching artists their style of creative and in some instances, traditional expressions. The culminating event took place at the Major Noot Hall of Combermere School in Bridgetown and featured program participants, members of Team Barbados, and Rubytech, a local artist who also participated in the jam session.

Next Level Academy Participants

Next Level